
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
sephiroth icon sephiroth icon snake icon
Beginner None -
LPK | Tenkaa
donkey_kong icon mario icon wario icon
Doing okay None -
toon_link icon
Noob None -
LSD | PainPerdu
lucina icon wolf icon kirby icon
Noob A little -
Kuro | Ormishura
joker icon shulk icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Doing okay None -
kazuya icon bowser icon bowser icon
Noob None -
fox icon
Doing okay None -
wolf icon
Intermediate None -
bowser icon
Intermediate A little -
KSM | Rokamadour
ganondorf icon richter icon ridley icon
Intermediate A little -
GM | Minka
lucina icon
Beginner A little -
Naut | Navet
ness icon
Advanced A lot -
piranha_plant icon hero icon mr_game_and_watch icon
Intermediate None -
pyra_and_mythra icon roy icon
Noob None -
GPMTV | Red911_
sora icon toon_link icon
Doing okay A little -
. | smaash
pac_man icon piranha_plant icon
Beginner None -
bowser icon corrin icon pikachu icon
Beginner None -
fox icon jigglypuff icon
Beginner None -
zelda icon
Doing okay A little -
falco icon wario icon
Doing okay A little -
SBS | Kromatyx
sora icon
Beginner None -
pichu icon corrin icon ganondorf icon
Doing okay A little -
terry icon wario icon little_mac icon
Doing okay None -
mr_game_and_watch icon
Intermediate None -
yoshi icon wii_fit_trainer icon
Noob None -
mewtwo icon marth icon
Intermediate A little -
hero icon lucario icon king_dedede icon
Noob None -
sora icon sephiroth icon joker icon
Advanced None -
yoshi icon
Doing okay None -
steve icon donkey_kong icon diddy_kong icon
Beginner None -
captain_falcon icon marth icon mii_brawler icon
Doing okay None -
robin icon
Beginner None -
sonic icon pikachu icon inkling icon
Doing okay None -
roy icon wolf icon ike icon
Intermediate A little -
samus icon daisy icon
Intermediate None -
ike icon dark_samus icon
Noob None -
captain_falcon icon cloud icon byleth icon
Doing okay A little -
lucina icon
Beginner None -
link icon sora icon
Doing okay A little -
peach icon fox icon
Beginner None -
SwG | Jindky
link icon toon_link icon young_link icon
Beginner None -
captain_falcon icon link icon
Noob None -
robin icon isabelle icon hero icon
Advanced None -
PHV | Lunki
villager icon villager icon villager icon
Intermediate Some -
PHV | Brouseur
bowser icon yoshi icon wolf icon
Intermediate A large amount -
lucas icon
Beginner None -
isabelle icon
Intermediate None -
ike icon
Advanced None -
captain_falcon icon wario icon joker icon
Beginner None -
sonic icon pokemon_trainer icon mewtwo icon
Noob None -
Gamer tag Region Age Gender Comment
sephiroth icon Patatuuu Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 20 Male
donkey_kong icon LPK | Tenkaa Normandie image Normandy 17 Male
toon_link icon Baptest Bretagne image Brittany 27 Male
lucina icon LSD | PainPerdu Hauts-de-France image Upper France 23 Male
joker icon Kuro | Ormishura Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 16 Male
kazuya icon Scor Hauts-de-France image Upper France 22 Male
fox icon Pops Provence-Alpes-Cote_dAzur image Provence-Alps-Azure Coast 21 Male
wolf icon Luxsmo Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 20 Male
bowser icon Redeye Ile_de_France image Island of France 20 Male
ganondorf icon KSM | Rokamadour Pays_de_la_Loire image Loire Countries 18 Male Juste un joueur compétitif qui veut cuisiner ses adversai...
lucina icon GM | Minka Provence-Alpes-Cote_dAzur image Provence-Alps-Azure Coast 24 Male Je veut devenir fort avec Lucina.
ness icon Naut | Navet 15 Male
piranha_plant icon Zwouiix Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 18 Male
pyra_and_mythra icon Kaori Centre image Centre-Loire Valley 17 Male
sora icon GPMTV | Red911_ Ile_de_France image Island of France 22 Male yippie yo yippie yeah :p
pac_man icon . | smaash Bourgogne image Burgundy-Free County 18 Male
bowser icon Kara_ Nouvelle_Aquitaine image New Aquitaine 17 Male
fox icon Mr.Wafe Ile_de_France image Island of France 19 Male
zelda icon Suuuuu Ile_de_France image Island of France Male
falco icon Mého Occitanie image Occitania 24 Male
sora icon SBS | Kromatyx Hauts-de-France image Upper France 19 Male
pichu icon Maxelis 20 Male
terry icon Deku95gtl Ile_de_France image Island of France 16 Male
mr_game_and_watch icon Bann Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps Male
yoshi icon Yugnat Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 29 Male
NisKuu Grand_Est image Great East 24 Male
hero icon Zerradias Ile_de_France image Island of France 25 Male
sora icon kira111 Provence-Alpes-Cote_dAzur image Provence-Alps-Azure Coast 20 Male
yoshi icon MidØna Ile_de_France image Island of France 23 Male
steve icon Torix
captain_falcon icon KAZ | P0MD4P1 Bretagne image Brittany 17 Male
robin icon haloufe Nouvelle_Aquitaine image New Aquitaine 18 Male
sonic icon Tannuky Normandie image Normandy 20 Male Je rêve de pouvoir participer à des tournois Smash très g...
roy icon Mokys Hauts-de-France image Upper France 16 Male
samus icon vertiflope Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps
ike icon TheTrurPyroman Ile_de_France image Island of France 18 Male Euh... Ouais :D
captain_falcon icon Ginkgo Pays_de_la_Loire image Loire Countries 16 Male
lucina icon Kuryo Bretagne image Brittany 16 Male euh bah je suis la mais en vrai je sais pas trop mais vas...
link icon Abri-Bus Ile_de_France image Island of France 18 Male
peach icon ONYLYNK Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 17 Male
link icon SwG | Jindky
captain_falcon icon Izakai Nouvelle_Aquitaine image New Aquitaine 23 Male
robin icon Nillsy Ile_de_France image Island of France 18 Male
villager icon PHV | Lunki Bretagne image Brittany Male
bowser icon PHV | Brouseur Bretagne image Brittany 23 Male TO Morbihannais
lucas icon Bigor Grand_Est image Great East 23 Male
isabelle icon Zimmy. Hauts-de-France image Upper France 18 Male
ike icon shiiro952 Ile_de_France image Island of France Male
captain_falcon icon Tryko Ile_de_France image Island of France 18 Male
sonic icon Sebilabrebis
Gamer tag Roles
sephiroth icon Patatuuu Player
donkey_kong icon LPK | Tenkaa Player
toon_link icon Baptest Player
lucina icon LSD | PainPerdu Player
joker icon Kuro | Ormishura Player
kazuya icon Scor Player
fox icon Pops Player
wolf icon Luxsmo Player
bowser icon Redeye Player
ganondorf icon KSM | Rokamadour Player
lucina icon GM | Minka Player
ness icon Naut | Navet Player
piranha_plant icon Zwouiix Player
pyra_and_mythra icon Kaori Player
sora icon GPMTV | Red911_ Player
pac_man icon . | smaash Player
bowser icon Kara_ Player
fox icon Mr.Wafe Player
zelda icon Suuuuu Player
falco icon Mého Player Streamer
sora icon SBS | Kromatyx Player
pichu icon Maxelis Player
terry icon Deku95gtl Player
mr_game_and_watch icon Bann Player
yoshi icon Yugnat Player
NisKuu Player
hero icon Zerradias Player
sora icon kira111 Player
yoshi icon MidØna Player
steve icon Torix Player
captain_falcon icon KAZ | P0MD4P1 Player
robin icon haloufe Player
sonic icon Tannuky Player
roy icon Mokys Player
samus icon vertiflope Player
ike icon TheTrurPyroman Player
captain_falcon icon Ginkgo Player
lucina icon Kuryo Player
link icon Abri-Bus Player
peach icon ONYLYNK Player
link icon SwG | Jindky Player Team manager
captain_falcon icon Izakai Player
robin icon Nillsy Player
villager icon PHV | Lunki Content creator Player TO
bowser icon PHV | Brouseur Player TO
lucas icon Bigor Player
isabelle icon Zimmy. Player
ike icon shiiro952 Player
captain_falcon icon Tryko Player
sonic icon Sebilabrebis Player
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