
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
ness icon mario icon rob icon
Advanced A lot -
young_link icon ness icon ike icon
Advanced None -
mon pere | Koya
snake icon mario icon ike icon
Intermediate None -
palutena icon
Noob None -
L'escale | Brawlboss
greninja icon samus icon hero icon
Advanced Some -
dark_samus icon samus icon ryu icon
Noob None -
bowser icon bowser icon bowser icon
Beginner None -
wolf icon
Noob None -
jigglypuff icon lucina icon greninja icon
Doing okay None -
young_link icon captain_falcon icon jigglypuff icon
Intermediate None -
Aleksi Beginner None -
ness icon
Doing okay A little -
Hexa | Tryhard
lucina icon rob icon
Noob None -
joker icon bayonetta icon corrin icon
Doing okay None -
link icon
Doing okay None -
John Kebab
pit icon
Doing okay A little -
byleth icon young_link icon marth icon
Beginner None -
TGT | Carmadura
samus icon dark_samus icon
Intermediate A little -
luigi icon
Doing okay None -
byleth icon
Doing okay None -
olimar icon
Doing okay None -
incineroar icon roy icon samus icon
Intermediate None -
pikachu icon dr_mario icon
Beginner A little -
zero_suit_samus icon
Beginner None -
diddy_kong icon
Noob None -
mr_game_and_watch icon
Beginner None -
Michel bagarre
lucina icon ganondorf icon
Doing okay None -
marth icon lucina icon falco icon
Noob None -
dark_pit icon link icon zero_suit_samus icon
Beginner None -
rosalina_and_luma icon piranha_plant icon steve icon
Noob A little -
young_link icon
Intermediate None -
20% | iFun
pokemon_trainer icon rob icon greninja icon
Doing okay None -
king_k_rool icon wolf icon
Noob None -
pyra_and_mythra icon mario icon
Beginner None -
captain_falcon icon roy icon falco icon
Intermediate A little -
ness icon mr_game_and_watch icon toon_link icon
Advanced None -
mr_game_and_watch icon
Doing okay A little -
ARCH | Aelbarte
samus icon inkling icon bowser_jr icon
Beginner None -
richter icon sephiroth icon
Intermediate A little -
robin icon corrin icon
Intermediate A little -
yoshi icon
Beginner None -
simon icon ryu icon bowser_jr icon
Noob None -
lucario icon
Doing okay None -
pikachu icon
Noob None -
byleth icon
Noob None -
diddy_kong icon
Noob None -
roy icon
Beginner None -
cloud icon
Doing okay Some -
ken icon ryu icon kazuya icon
Doing okay None -
kazuya icon daisy icon joker icon
Doing okay None -
Gamer tag Region Age Gender Comment
ness icon Ray0nfire971 Guadeloupe image Guadeloupe 17 Male
young_link icon XSTrifive2You Hauts-de-France image Upper France 14 Male ‘’Continuer à vous battre pour atteindre vos rêves qu’imp...
snake icon mon pere | Koya 21 je suis japonais jetudie le francais je cherche l'ami qui...
palutena icon igasazuka Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 20 Male
greninja icon L'escale | Brawlboss Ile_de_France image Island of France 18 Male
dark_samus icon G-Germé Occitanie image Occitania 20 Male
bowser icon Shuri Hauts-de-France image Upper France 21 Male
wolf icon Kytal Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps Male Veut s'amuser et progresser sans se prendre la tête ! ^^
jigglypuff icon khamo Hauts-de-France image Upper France 18 Male
young_link icon Pingolo Nouvelle_Aquitaine image New Aquitaine 21 Male
Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 21 Male
ness icon Hugoat Nouvelle_Aquitaine image New Aquitaine 17 Male
lucina icon Hexa | Tryhard Occitanie image Occitania 24 Male No jones
joker icon Ayak0 Occitanie image Occitania 18 Male
Bogres Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 24 Male
pit icon John Kebab Nouvelle_Aquitaine image New Aquitaine 23 Male
byleth icon LuMaa Ile_de_France image Island of France 20 Male Content Creator.
samus icon TGT | Carmadura Occitanie image Occitania 23 Male
luigi icon Yukio Occitanie image Occitania 18 Male Nouveau joueur qui veut se hisser sur le toit de la France !
byleth icon Rock-Games Pays_de_la_Loire image Loire Countries 17 Male
olimar icon Banbaban Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 21
incineroar icon VexX Provence-Alpes-Cote_dAzur image Provence-Alps-Azure Coast 20 Male J'aime gagner, mais je joue surtout pour m'améliorer le r...
pikachu icon TiisL Ile_de_France image Island of France 22 Male En pleine découverte ✌️
zero_suit_samus icon Flotyrannos Occitanie image Occitania 21 Male
diddy_kong icon goldie Nouvelle_Aquitaine image New Aquitaine 19 Male J'arrive.
mr_game_and_watch icon Shizu Ile_de_France image Island of France 20 Other
lucina icon Michel bagarre
marth icon Sharikio Hauts-de-France image Upper France 20 Male
dark_pit icon Osfeer Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 16 Male
rosalina_and_luma icon Xelen Pays_de_la_Loire image Loire Countries
young_link icon Nasdenas Provence-Alpes-Cote_dAzur image Provence-Alps-Azure Coast 20 Male Je veux jouer et m'améliorer avec des gens qui aime smash
pokemon_trainer icon 20% | iFun Bretagne image Brittany Male
king_k_rool icon Bleary Hauts-de-France image Upper France 17 Male Salut juste pour dire que je suis pas ouf au jeu et j'aim...
pyra_and_mythra icon Kilaire Occitanie image Occitania 17 Male Je suis nouveau sur la scène compétitive smash,je ne veu...
captain_falcon icon Nicotaku Grand_Est image Great East 25 Male
ness icon Hmidou Occitanie image Occitania 18 Male Bah Salut mes camarades j'espere que vous allez bien moi ...
mr_game_and_watch icon lorrennzo Ile_de_France image Island of France 22 Male
samus icon ARCH | Aelbarte Hauts-de-France image Upper France 19 Male
richter icon Agu-Agu Occitanie image Occitania 24 Male
robin icon Hich Ile_de_France image Island of France 24 Male Yoshi combow,luigi combow, Sfaviloto. Je souhaite off po...
yoshi icon lightvic
simon icon #Mute# Ile_de_France image Island of France 42 Male
lucario icon Jspaï Ile_de_France image Island of France 25 Male
pikachu icon chevremiel Ile_de_France image Island of France 22
byleth icon Kyori Grand_Est image Great East 17 Male
diddy_kong icon sethy Occitanie image Occitania 21 Male
roy icon Começo Pays_de_la_Loire image Loire Countries 20 Male
cloud icon Sucroy Ile_de_France image Island of France 20 Male
ken icon Cyborg Ile_de_France image Island of France 30 Male
kazuya icon Molltu Ile_de_France image Island of France 18 Female
Gamer tag Roles
ness icon Ray0nfire971 Community editor Content creator Player TO
young_link icon XSTrifive2You Player
snake icon mon pere | Koya Player
palutena icon igasazuka Player
greninja icon L'escale | Brawlboss Player
dark_samus icon G-Germé Player
bowser icon Shuri Player
wolf icon Kytal Player
jigglypuff icon khamo Player
young_link icon Pingolo Player
ness icon Hugoat Player
lucina icon Hexa | Tryhard Player
joker icon Ayak0 Player
Bogres Player
pit icon John Kebab Player
byleth icon LuMaa Content creator Player Streamer
samus icon TGT | Carmadura Player
luigi icon Yukio Player
byleth icon Rock-Games Player
olimar icon Banbaban Player
incineroar icon VexX Player
pikachu icon TiisL Designer Player
zero_suit_samus icon Flotyrannos Player
diddy_kong icon goldie Player
mr_game_and_watch icon Shizu Player
lucina icon Michel bagarre Player
marth icon Sharikio Player
dark_pit icon Osfeer Player
rosalina_and_luma icon Xelen Player
young_link icon Nasdenas Player
pokemon_trainer icon 20% | iFun Player
king_k_rool icon Bleary Player
pyra_and_mythra icon Kilaire Player
captain_falcon icon Nicotaku Player
ness icon Hmidou Player
mr_game_and_watch icon lorrennzo Player
samus icon ARCH | Aelbarte Content creator Player Streamer
richter icon Agu-Agu Player
robin icon Hich Player
yoshi icon lightvic Player
simon icon #Mute# Player
lucario icon Jspaï Player
pikachu icon chevremiel Player
byleth icon Kyori Player
diddy_kong icon sethy Player
roy icon Começo Player
cloud icon Sucroy Player
ken icon Cyborg Player
kazuya icon Molltu Player
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