
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
CàT | Neskouik
captain_falcon icon little_mac icon
Doing okay A little -
jigglypuff icon pac_man icon wolf icon
Noob None -
joker icon
Doing okay A little -
toon_link icon toon_link icon pichu icon
Doing okay Some -
wolf icon fox icon little_mac icon
Noob None -
little_mac icon incineroar icon
Intermediate None -
marth icon
Doing okay None -
greninja icon ness icon
Doing okay None -
pyra_and_mythra icon sephiroth icon
Advanced None -
GCL | Nathybao
byleth icon kazuya icon mario icon
Beginner None -
little_mac icon lucario icon rob icon
Intermediate None -
TSN | AfterPlayer
mr_game_and_watch icon fox icon diddy_kong icon
Intermediate Some -
GS | BlackSoul
mr_game_and_watch icon mario icon
Advanced Some -
donkey_kong icon jigglypuff icon
Beginner A little -
pyra_and_mythra icon joker icon
Noob A little -
bowser icon
Beginner None -
ness icon
Noob None -
wii_fit_trainer icon inkling icon greninja icon
Doing okay A little -
Alternatif Doing okay None -
joker icon
Doing okay None -
LGP | Sky
cloud icon
Doing okay A little -
jigglypuff icon
Doing okay A little -
LaMioche Beginner None -
NSFW | bilelhewew
pikachu icon
Beginner None -
fox icon
Doing okay A little -
LOR | Christophe
kazuya icon kazuya icon kazuya icon
Expert A little -
sephiroth icon wolf icon
Beginner A little -
STL | Fat Nuggets
pichu icon jigglypuff icon bayonetta icon
Intermediate A little -
rob icon mr_game_and_watch icon inkling icon
Doing okay None -
IZI | VinS
link icon
Professional A lot -
roy icon chrom icon lucina icon
Doing okay None -
kirby icon chrom icon
Beginner None -
bowser icon mario icon
Intermediate None -
link icon ike icon ganondorf icon
Intermediate None -
yoshi icon samus icon
Doing okay Some -
byleth icon pyra_and_mythra icon
Beginner None -
zero_suit_samus icon
Noob None -
lucario icon
Intermediate None -
ridley icon
Noob None -
pokemon_trainer icon
Intermediate None -
jigglypuff icon
Beginner None -
fox icon marth icon
Doing okay None -
Chiaki | Mailine
pyra_and_mythra icon joker icon falco icon
Advanced A little -
AWL | Gotie
peach icon peach icon peach icon
Doing okay A little -
Nomade | kildy
toon_link icon diddy_kong icon
Intermediate None -
wii_fit_trainer icon king_k_rool icon
Beginner None -
terry icon meta_knight icon
Beginner None -
cloud icon link icon
Beginner None -
young_link icon
Advanced Some -
lucina icon lucas icon
Beginner None -
Gamer tag Region Age Gender Comment
captain_falcon icon CàT | Neskouik Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 17 Male
jigglypuff icon Nemesis Centre image Centre-Loire Valley Petit joueur éclaté mais j'ai quand même envie de m'améli...
joker icon Mobelli Centre image Centre-Loire Valley 19 Male
toon_link icon Seref Grand_Est image Great East 21 Male Un passionné qui cherche à se professionnaliser sur la sc...
wolf icon Ylanos Ile_de_France image Island of France 20 Male
little_mac icon mmmmcoco Ile_de_France image Island of France 22 Male
marth icon SZF | KERO Grand_Est image Great East 30 Male
greninja icon ZenystosSSB Ile_de_France image Island of France 18 Male Petit joueur inspiré par les grands prêt à en découdre af...
pyra_and_mythra icon ONILINK Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 17 Male
byleth icon GCL | Nathybao Provence-Alpes-Cote_dAzur image Provence-Alps-Azure Coast 16 Male
little_mac icon Buisson
mr_game_and_watch icon TSN | AfterPlayer Centre image Centre-Loire Valley 21 Male Quand je suis fatigué je suis free
mr_game_and_watch icon GS | BlackSoul Hauts-de-France image Upper France 21
Nisui Ile_de_France image Island of France 16 Male Je trouve que la Tier List est "inutile" sur Ultimate. Jo...
pyra_and_mythra icon KeRiioZ Ile_de_France image Island of France 19 Male
bowser icon kaja Nouvelle_Aquitaine image New Aquitaine 24 Male
ness icon Flax Hauts-de-France image Upper France 16 Male OUI je joue ness mai je ne spam pas
wii_fit_trainer icon Exo Pays_de_la_Loire image Loire Countries 20 Male
Provence-Alpes-Cote_dAzur image Provence-Alps-Azure Coast
joker icon Sora_NGNL Pays_de_la_Loire image Loire Countries 18 Male
cloud icon LGP | Sky Ile_de_France image Island of France 22 Male
jigglypuff icon Maru Ile_de_France image Island of France 20 Male
Hauts-de-France image Upper France 25 Male
pikachu icon NSFW | bilelhewew Centre image Centre-Loire Valley 18 Male
fox icon Skyice Ile_de_France image Island of France 18 Male Salut
kazuya icon LOR | Christophe Ile_de_France image Island of France 20 Male Bonjour je suis Christophe. Je stream du Smash / Epic 7 ...
sephiroth icon 0lfg 27 Other
pichu icon STL | Fat Nuggets Normandie image Normandy 15 Male
rob icon kicholardon Ile_de_France image Island of France Male
link icon IZI | VinS Ile_de_France image Island of France 34 Male
roy icon Blue Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 20 Male
kirby icon orlox Hauts-de-France image Upper France 16 Male
bowser icon Pablitax Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 24 Male
link icon Nikeaz Ile_de_France image Island of France 30 Male
yoshi icon SHIELD | Samy Nouvelle_Aquitaine image New Aquitaine 24 Male
byleth icon Lapain Provence-Alpes-Cote_dAzur image Provence-Alps-Azure Coast 16 Male
zero_suit_samus icon Kazu Hauts-de-France image Upper France 18 Male J'ai même pas la switch je joue que chez @couscous.
Hotsuro Normandie image Normandy 21 Male
DrPaka Ile_de_France image Island of France 25 Je suis un klown, me cherchez pas ou bien j'irais piller ...
pokemon_trainer icon Lucasou Ile_de_France image Island of France 24 Male
jigglypuff icon Joulo Hauts-de-France image Upper France 22 Male
fox icon Healtar Hauts-de-France image Upper France 25 Male
pyra_and_mythra icon Chiaki | Mailine Hauts-de-France image Upper France 18 Other
peach icon AWL | Gotie Pays_de_la_Loire image Loire Countries 17 Male
toon_link icon Nomade | kildy Ile_de_France image Island of France 26 Male
wii_fit_trainer icon Baobab Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 21 Male
terry icon T1hmar Bretagne image Brittany 23 Male
cloud icon BossLosange Centre image Centre-Loire Valley 19 Male
Kircha En train de reprendre Smash bros après 10 ans de pause. A...
lucina icon Half
Gamer tag Roles
captain_falcon icon CàT | Neskouik Player Team manager
jigglypuff icon Nemesis Player
joker icon Mobelli Player
toon_link icon Seref Caster Photographer Player Streamer
wolf icon Ylanos Player
little_mac icon mmmmcoco Player
marth icon SZF | KERO Player TO
greninja icon ZenystosSSB Player
pyra_and_mythra icon ONILINK Player
byleth icon GCL | Nathybao Player Team manager
little_mac icon Buisson Player
mr_game_and_watch icon TSN | AfterPlayer Community editor Player Streamer TO
mr_game_and_watch icon GS | BlackSoul Player
Nisui Player
pyra_and_mythra icon KeRiioZ Player
bowser icon kaja Player
ness icon Flax Player
wii_fit_trainer icon Exo Player
joker icon Sora_NGNL Player
cloud icon LGP | Sky Player
jigglypuff icon Maru Player
pikachu icon NSFW | bilelhewew Player
fox icon Skyice Player
kazuya icon LOR | Christophe Player
sephiroth icon 0lfg Player
pichu icon STL | Fat Nuggets Player
rob icon kicholardon Player
link icon IZI | VinS Content creator Player
roy icon Blue Player
kirby icon orlox Player
bowser icon Pablitax Player
link icon Nikeaz Player Streamer
yoshi icon SHIELD | Samy Player Streamer TO
byleth icon Lapain Player
zero_suit_samus icon Kazu Player
Hotsuro Player
DrPaka Player
pokemon_trainer icon Lucasou Player
jigglypuff icon Joulo Player
fox icon Healtar Player
pyra_and_mythra icon Chiaki | Mailine Player
peach icon AWL | Gotie Player
toon_link icon Nomade | kildy Player
wii_fit_trainer icon Baobab Player
terry icon T1hmar Player
cloud icon BossLosange Player
Kircha Player Streamer
lucina icon Half Player
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