
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
lucina icon
Beginner None -
corrin icon corrin icon corrin icon
Doing okay None -
sora icon palutena icon roy icon
Doing okay None -
ness icon
Noob None -
ness icon pokemon_trainer icon marth icon
Beginner None -
ganondorf icon wario icon mario icon
Doing okay None -
lucina icon king_k_rool icon
Beginner None -
link icon cloud icon link icon
Advanced None -
CLX | Karalp
ike icon fox icon
Doing okay None -
roy icon pokemon_trainer icon pikachu icon
Noob None -
donkey_kong icon wolf icon
Doing okay None -
falco icon byleth icon
Doing okay None -
F4 | AmiraL
palutena icon pyra_and_mythra icon inkling icon
Advanced A lot -
meta_knight icon wolf icon
Intermediate A lot -
corrin icon bowser icon
Doing okay None -
R212 | Rompglyder
fox icon wario icon
Beginner None -
ike icon link icon luigi icon
Intermediate None -
link icon ike icon luigi icon
Intermediate None -
mr_game_and_watch icon ganondorf icon
Beginner A little -
olimar icon
Intermediate A little -
steve icon fox icon jigglypuff icon
Beginner None -
young_link icon ness icon lucario icon
Beginner None -
hero icon donkey_kong icon inkling icon
Noob A little -
sora icon yoshi icon young_link icon
Intermediate A little -
falco icon wolf icon palutena icon
Noob A little -
R-B | Askel
king_dedede icon bowser icon
Beginner None -
KssDEY Noob None -
GDF | Raykkïz
dark_pit icon pit icon captain_falcon icon
Beginner None -
mario icon
Beginner A little -
isabelle icon mewtwo icon greninja icon
Doing okay A little -
JSP | DavidFrr
toon_link icon link icon dark_pit icon
Noob None -
wolf icon sheik icon falco icon
Doing okay None -
JacquesRoucel Beginner None -
wolf icon joker icon sephiroth icon
Intermediate A little -
RDZ | Nayo
peach icon daisy icon
Intermediate A little -
lucina icon ness icon jigglypuff icon
Doing okay None -
LDV | KotorWu
pyra_and_mythra icon corrin icon
Doing okay A little -
cloud icon fox icon captain_falcon icon
Beginner None -
cloud icon wolf icon lucina icon
Noob None -
inkling icon wolf icon pikachu icon
Beginner None -
pac_man icon
Noob None -
diddy_kong icon
Doing okay None -
greninja icon toon_link icon
Beginner None -
jigglypuff icon donkey_kong icon
Noob None -
mario icon
Intermediate A little -
Dryak Beginner None -
link icon
Beginner None -
marth icon jigglypuff icon peach icon
Noob None -
Big Fish | Dobbs
sephiroth icon pikachu icon
Advanced A lot -
steve icon
Intermediate Some -
Gamer tag Region Age Gender Comment
lucina icon Yvanmoa Provence-Alpes-Cote_dAzur image Provence-Alps-Azure Coast 21 Male
corrin icon Grynbleidds Hauts-de-France image Upper France 25 Male
sora icon ChoKoSenpai Hauts-de-France image Upper France 20 Male
ness icon RafaYell Nouvelle_Aquitaine image New Aquitaine 20 Male
ness icon Zenitsu_ledz Ile_de_France image Island of France 18 Male
ganondorf icon SyZ
lucina icon D'jok Grand_Est image Great East 25 Male
link icon Shuunx7 Occitanie image Occitania 26 Male
ike icon CLX | Karalp Occitanie image Occitania 22 Male
roy icon TheJoKoeur Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 25 Male
donkey_kong icon XONAT !? Normandie image Normandy 17 Male
falco icon Math46 Nouvelle_Aquitaine image New Aquitaine 20 Male
palutena icon F4 | AmiraL Ile_de_France image Island of France 16 Male
meta_knight icon NoFall Nouvelle_Aquitaine image New Aquitaine 26 Male
corrin icon Kogn Centre image Centre-Loire Valley 23 Male
fox icon R212 | Rompglyder Ile_de_France image Island of France 23 Male
ike icon Noob Ile_de_France image Island of France 17 Male
link icon Dragoncyclope Ile_de_France image Island of France 17 Male
mr_game_and_watch icon ilike2spin Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 22 Male
olimar icon Nessji Bourgogne image Burgundy-Free County 18 Male
steve icon BluePhenix Ile_de_France image Island of France 18 Male Nous partons de tout en bas et nous irons jusqu’au meilleur.
young_link icon Zenitsu_dz Ile_de_France image Island of France 18 Male
hero icon Yzm78 28
sora icon BlueJack Ile_de_France image Island of France 22 Male
falco icon LeVeinard Grand_Est image Great East 20 Male
king_dedede icon R-B | Askel Pays_de_la_Loire image Loire Countries 28 Male
Occitanie image Occitania 22 Male
dark_pit icon GDF | Raykkïz Bretagne image Brittany 19 Male
mario icon Smash_anto Provence-Alpes-Cote_dAzur image Provence-Alps-Azure Coast 19 Male Juste envie de devenir meilleur en faite
isabelle icon Carmamel Occitanie image Occitania 19 Male YO, en ce moment je vais essayer de me remettre a Smash e...
toon_link icon JSP | DavidFrr Ile_de_France image Island of France 20 Male
wolf icon AdaMerry_ Ile_de_France image Island of France 22 Male
Provence-Alpes-Cote_dAzur image Provence-Alps-Azure Coast 19 Male
wolf icon PapouTB Bretagne image Brittany 27 Male
peach icon RDZ | Nayo Occitanie image Occitania 17 Male
lucina icon Albédo Hauts-de-France image Upper France 21 Male
pyra_and_mythra icon LDV | KotorWu Ile_de_France image Island of France 23 Male
cloud icon f-sonic Ile_de_France image Island of France 18 Male
cloud icon THSND Occitanie image Occitania 32 Male
inkling icon Skywan Nouvelle_Aquitaine image New Aquitaine 25 Male
pac_man icon Jeerzz Grand_Est image Great East 19 Male
diddy_kong icon MrZagreus Hauts-de-France image Upper France 32 Male
greninja icon Meuble Centre image Centre-Loire Valley Male
jigglypuff icon Youxx Ile_de_France image Island of France 18 Male 17eme à l'invitationnal d'ib, on appelle ça un palmarhess
Shan Ile_de_France image Island of France 26 Male
Grand_Est image Great East 31 Male
link icon wanivario8 Ile_de_France image Island of France 18 Male
marth icon XolZahn Ile_de_France image Island of France 21 Male débutant c'est tout
sephiroth icon Big Fish | Dobbs Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 22 Male
steve icon Loufy Grand_Est image Great East 21 Male
Gamer tag Roles
lucina icon Yvanmoa Player
corrin icon Grynbleidds Player
sora icon ChoKoSenpai Player Streamer
ness icon RafaYell Content creator Player
ness icon Zenitsu_ledz Player
ganondorf icon SyZ Player
lucina icon D'jok Player
link icon Shuunx7 Player
ike icon CLX | Karalp Player
roy icon TheJoKoeur Player
donkey_kong icon XONAT !? Player
falco icon Math46 Player
palutena icon F4 | AmiraL Player
meta_knight icon NoFall Player
corrin icon Kogn Player
fox icon R212 | Rompglyder Player
ike icon Noob Player
link icon Dragoncyclope Player
mr_game_and_watch icon ilike2spin Player
olimar icon Nessji Player
steve icon BluePhenix Player
young_link icon Zenitsu_dz Player
hero icon Yzm78 Player
sora icon BlueJack Player Streamer
falco icon LeVeinard Content creator Player
king_dedede icon R-B | Askel Player
dark_pit icon GDF | Raykkïz Player
mario icon Smash_anto Player
isabelle icon Carmamel Player
toon_link icon JSP | DavidFrr Player
wolf icon AdaMerry_ Designer Player Streamer
wolf icon PapouTB Player
peach icon RDZ | Nayo Player
lucina icon Albédo Player
pyra_and_mythra icon LDV | KotorWu Player
cloud icon f-sonic Player
cloud icon THSND Player
inkling icon Skywan Player
pac_man icon Jeerzz Player
diddy_kong icon MrZagreus Player
greninja icon Meuble Player
jigglypuff icon Youxx Player
Shan Player
Content creator Player Streamer
link icon wanivario8 Player
marth icon XolZahn Player
sephiroth icon Big Fish | Dobbs Player
steve icon Loufy Player
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