
Gamer tag Mains Self assessment XP W/L
MA | saint bleuberries
banjo_and_kazooie icon
Advanced A large amount -
ness icon
Intermediate Some -
EL | Blite
bowser_jr icon
Intermediate A little -
chrom icon
Intermediate Some -
incineroar icon corrin icon
Doing okay Some -
EL | DI | God Hurri
bowser icon falco icon
Intermediate Some -
wolf icon sephiroth icon link icon
Advanced Some -
BAGAR | affirmatif
pac_man icon
Noob A little -
luigi icon falco icon shulk icon
Intermediate A little -
RS | Shlumber
wario icon palutena icon wolf icon
Advanced A lot -
SG | EL | Magi
sonic icon
Intermediate Some -
2K | Sweakh
fox icon
Doing okay A little -
WM | Kogiko
robin icon zelda icon
Noob A little -
Fuse | Bruns
lucario icon pokemon_trainer icon ganondorf icon
Intermediate None -
CEW | Anoter
hero icon marth icon lucina icon
Intermediate A little -
wario icon pac_man icon
Doing okay None -
random icon pikachu icon inkling icon
Noob A little -
Inovate | Vics
wii_fit_trainer icon palutena icon
Intermediate Some -
greninja icon
Intermediate Some -
CEW | Maxray
king_dedede icon wolf icon robin icon
Intermediate Some -
sheik icon
Intermediate A lot -
donkey_kong icon
Doing okay A little -
R-B | EroSniky
inkling icon cloud icon
Intermediate A little -
min_min icon
Beginner None -
luigi icon roy icon wolf icon
Advanced A lot -
ICUP | Telitelo
piranha_plant icon pichu icon
Advanced A lot -
donkey_kong icon bowser icon ganondorf icon
Doing okay A little -
BAB | Mister_Bros
roy icon young_link icon inkling icon
Intermediate A lot -
SL | Astna
marth icon
Advanced A lot -
robin icon pyra_and_mythra icon joker icon
Intermediate A lot -
mr_game_and_watch icon
Intermediate Some -
TRS | Tintin
wario icon falco icon joker icon
Intermediate A lot -
falco icon dr_mario icon
Noob None -
IIE | Brouniii
ness icon
Doing okay A little -
NdGG | Louis
ryu icon ken icon terry icon
Intermediate A little -
greninja icon byleth icon
Intermediate Some -
incineroar icon inkling icon joker icon
Doing okay None -
little_mac icon joker icon
Intermediate None -
corrin icon
Noob A little -
sheik icon jigglypuff icon diddy_kong icon
Noob A little -
Dream (Right
lucina icon wolf icon donkey_kong icon
Intermediate Some -
3rd | WaLay
captain_falcon icon
Doing okay None -
villager icon isabelle icon
Advanced A large amount -
R-B | Nixop
mario icon king_dedede icon jigglypuff icon
Intermediate A little -
king_dedede icon
Intermediate Some -
palutena icon
Beginner None -
palutena icon sheik icon roy icon
Intermediate A little -
lucas icon villager icon toon_link icon
Intermediate A little -
ZGG | LootName
king_dedede icon
Advanced A little -
sheik icon
Noob None -
Gamer tag Region Age Gender Comment
banjo_and_kazooie icon MA | saint bleuberries Occitanie image Occitania 20 Male Bonjour ou bonsoir je me présente je suis le saint GUH HU...
ness icon Lienep Grand_Est image Great East 18 Male
bowser_jr icon EL | Blite Ile_de_France image Island of France 19 Male
chrom icon Glopeur Grand_Est image Great East 25 Male
incineroar icon ShiiroNeko Occitanie image Occitania 26 Female uwu 🏳️‍⚧️
bowser icon EL | DI | God Hurri Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 26 Male J'aime bien la joute virtuelle, je stream parfois (un jou...
wolf icon Maktael Nouvelle_Aquitaine image New Aquitaine 21 Male
pac_man icon BAGAR | affirmatif Normandie image Normandy 18 Male oui
luigi icon Matchi Nouvelle_Aquitaine image New Aquitaine 32 Male
wario icon RS | Shlumber Ile_de_France image Island of France 19 Male Smash bros c'est cool
sonic icon SG | EL | Magi Occitanie image Occitania 19 Male Lisez Magi le manga 👍🏽
fox icon 2K | Sweakh Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 21 Male Main Fox nul
robin icon WM | Kogiko Occitanie image Occitania 35 Male
lucario icon Fuse | Bruns Ile_de_France image Island of France 31 Male
hero icon CEW | Anoter Ile_de_France image Island of France 24 Male
wario icon Tortue Grand_Est image Great East 19 Male Je suis mauvais en vrai mdr
random icon JeanLoupGarou Ile_de_France image Island of France 31 Male
wii_fit_trainer icon Inovate | Vics Grand_Est image Great East 18 Male
greninja icon Scamp Ile_de_France image Island of France 30 Male Hello, Scamp, 28 ans, main passionné et convaincu de Gr...
king_dedede icon CEW | Maxray Provence-Alpes-Cote_dAzur image Provence-Alps-Azure Coast 23 Male
sheik icon Irt0zero Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 18 Male
donkey_kong icon Balran Ile_de_France image Island of France Male
inkling icon R-B | EroSniky Hauts-de-France image Upper France 34 Male
min_min icon Paprasse
luigi icon Usoli Ile_de_France image Island of France 19 Male
piranha_plant icon ICUP | Telitelo Hauts-de-France image Upper France 25 Male Loves to talk to international players
donkey_kong icon ImsoFAT Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 29 Male
roy icon BAB | Mister_Bros Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 22 Male
marth icon SL | Astna Ile_de_France image Island of France 23 Male SSBU Marth Free agent
robin icon NGP Hauts-de-France image Upper France 28 Male I don't care
mr_game_and_watch icon Ruon Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 24 Male
wario icon TRS | Tintin Centre image Centre-Loire Valley 23 Male
falco icon Gia' Pays_de_la_Loire image Loire Countries 20 Male
ness icon IIE | Brouniii Ile_de_France image Island of France 25 Male Hésitez pas à passer sur ma chaine twitch !
ryu icon NdGG | Louis Nouvelle_Aquitaine image New Aquitaine 19 Male
greninja icon Azertitop Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 22 Male Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. You ...
incineroar icon KentL Ile_de_France image Island of France 29
little_mac icon Gagou Grand_Est image Great East 20 Male Oui
corrin icon Majestic Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 24 Male Bienvenue sur ma page N'hésitez pas à me suivre, je f...
sheik icon Irosert Nouvelle_Aquitaine image New Aquitaine Bonjour
lucina icon Dream (Right Auvergne image Auvergne-Rhône-Alps 20 Male Heya, c'est Dream. Autiste / Déterminé / Fundies player ...
captain_falcon icon 3rd | WaLay Occitanie image Occitania 20 Male Yoooooo
villager icon Volya Provence-Alpes-Cote_dAzur image Provence-Alps-Azure Coast 30 Male
mario icon R-B | Nixop Ile_de_France image Island of France 28 Male Graphic designer freelance 🖌 Directeur Artistique chez Fr...
king_dedede icon Kekwel Grand_Est image Great East 31 Male
palutena icon Tag
palutena icon CHO7 Ile_de_France image Island of France 22 Male
lucas icon Devury Ile_de_France image Island of France 23 Male
king_dedede icon ZGG | LootName Occitanie image Occitania 19 Male
sheik icon Louube Provence-Alpes-Cote_dAzur image Provence-Alps-Azure Coast 28 Male
Gamer tag Roles
banjo_and_kazooie icon MA | saint bleuberries Player
ness icon Lienep Player
bowser_jr icon EL | Blite Player
chrom icon Glopeur Player
incineroar icon ShiiroNeko Player
bowser icon EL | DI | God Hurri Player
wolf icon Maktael Player
pac_man icon BAGAR | affirmatif Player
luigi icon Matchi Player
wario icon RS | Shlumber Player
sonic icon SG | EL | Magi Player
fox icon 2K | Sweakh Player
robin icon WM | Kogiko Player
lucario icon Fuse | Bruns Player
hero icon CEW | Anoter Player
wario icon Tortue Player
random icon JeanLoupGarou Player
wii_fit_trainer icon Inovate | Vics Player
greninja icon Scamp Player
king_dedede icon CEW | Maxray Player
sheik icon Irt0zero Player
donkey_kong icon Balran Player
inkling icon R-B | EroSniky Player
min_min icon Paprasse Player
luigi icon Usoli Player
piranha_plant icon ICUP | Telitelo Player
donkey_kong icon ImsoFAT Player
roy icon BAB | Mister_Bros Player
marth icon SL | Astna Player
robin icon NGP Player
mr_game_and_watch icon Ruon Player
wario icon TRS | Tintin Player
falco icon Gia' Player
ness icon IIE | Brouniii Player
ryu icon NdGG | Louis Player
greninja icon Azertitop Player
incineroar icon KentL Player
little_mac icon Gagou Player
corrin icon Majestic Player
sheik icon Irosert Player
lucina icon Dream (Right Player
captain_falcon icon 3rd | WaLay Player
villager icon Volya Player
mario icon R-B | Nixop Player
king_dedede icon Kekwel Player TO
palutena icon Tag Player
palutena icon CHO7 Player
lucas icon Devury Player
king_dedede icon ZGG | LootName Player
sheik icon Louube Player
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